Saturday, April 9, 2011

Make this a sticky for everyone

I thought I would address something. People make mistakes and guess what? People can change. It happens all the time. If the desire is truly there, then guess what? Nothing will stop the person from being what their destination is.

DnForum has a thread about 40 pages long with utter crap, with a few pages talking about what I did to some of the members there. Which was wrong and I have gone forward to rectify and that doesn't mean because I say I am sorry that everything magically clears up. Life doesn't work that way. Yet most of the pages go on and on about making fun of my looks, to making fun of some of my PERSONAL stuff that I am involved with. My mentor and several people who have encountered me, always ask me "Star, would you really want to do business with people like this?"

There is a guy by the name of Theo (Acro) who even makes off topic remarks that remind me of high school. Yet, he's supposed to be a business professional, right?

Then being called a "creature".. By Cartoonz. That is completely uncalled for. All these people who make these comments are bystanders who watched the drama unfold.

I wrote a message to the owner Tia Wood via her website in response to her post on DNForum talking about how I haven't changed. I am getting agitated by these people who say they are business professionals yet they make fun like we are in high school of someone who to you or a complete stranger might have their own issues (Which I do along with the rest of the population)

Nice website.

You don't know me nor would you ever take that time. You can think what you want but in the big picture. You seem very drawn to drama. You say I haven't changed. How do you know this? Ask yourself that. You have NO CLUE what my experiences have been like nor will you ever.
I am not here to get into a fight or who gets the last word. I NEVER did anything to you, you were not one of my victims, you lost no monetary value and I do understand wanting to be part of something where you feel you belong in the community but you don't know me so don't say whether I have changed or not unless you have been directly impacted by something I have done to you. Or you know me.

Thanks and have a splendid Saturday!
Star Similien

This will be the last time I bring up stuff like this but in perspective, look at the childishness of this situation and ask yourself "Are these people I would want to do business with?"

There are several different arguments to this and I am understand many aspects. Yet more than 92% of that thread are just popcorn eaters with about 4% actually being victims and I am not discrediting anything in regards to what these people went through with me.

Even I need that lesson, but be careful who you do business with. Not only are you going to need to watch out for scam artists, etc but also look for people who write stuff that is childish and whatnot. You'd be surprised what it says about their character.

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